Martin Denker

o.T.(BoBaFL), 2015

Oil, acrylic, crayon, pigment print on canvas, 150 x 190 cm

Pigment-Print on canvas, 154 x 118 cm

o.T.(BoBaSava), 2018

Oil, acrylic, spray paint, crayon, pigment print on canvas, 145 x 180 cm

Gold leaf, crayon and acrylic on canvas, 88 x 128 x 4 cm

Martin Denker

Born 1976 in Hamburg, Germany

Lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany


1996-2000   Studies of fine arts (Prof. Ulrich Puritz) at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University in Greifswald, Germany

2000-2001   Studies of painting (Roxy McCloskey and Charles Field) and photography (Prof. Ronald C. Binks, Prof. Neil Maurer) at UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio), USA

                   Assistant to Prof. Binks and Swain Edens, San Antonio, USA

2001-2006   Studies of fine art photography with Prof. Thomas Ruff at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, Germany

2002-2006   Assistant to Andreas Gursky

2006            Master student with Thomas Ruff at the Düsseldorf Art Academy, Germany